I have been a qualified Midwife since 2011. I wanted to start a business that could offer everything a pregnant woman could need. I trained at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. In the community midwife unit, I was able to see the difference alternative therapies can play in labour and birth.
The RAH was the first hospital to offer Hypnobirthing on the NHS and when I saw it in action I could not believe the difference it could make.
The RAH was the first hospital to offer Hypnobirthing on the NHS and when I saw it in action I could not believe the difference it could make.
However there were strict criteria due to budgets and hypnobirthing was only being offered to people who had previously had a traumatic delivery. I felt hypnobirthing would help others especially first time mums and that is why I started Born This Way to allow the option to be available to everyone.
I also offer Pregnancy Massage and Baby Massage in order to give my clients everything they need to keep them and their babies relaxed.
I also offer Pregnancy Massage and Baby Massage in order to give my clients everything they need to keep them and their babies relaxed.
• BSc Midwifery • Certified Hypnobirthing Practitioner with the Hypnobirthing Institute
• Practitioners Diploma in Pregnancy Massage • Practitioners Diploma in Baby Massage
• Practitioners Diploma in Pregnancy Massage • Practitioners Diploma in Baby Massage